This Labor Day weekend, The Religion Teacher will be migrating to I have wanted to make this move for awhile now, and I am finally prepared to do it at the loss of some PageRank in Google (for now).
Why the move?
Using Blogger has been a wonderful learning experience for me. I have been able to reach thousands of people using this free service. As both a blessing and a curse, I’ve learned a lot of HTML along the way and spent hours and hours tweaking the layout.
The biggest drawback to blogger is the domain. Many schools and parishes still have firewalls against blogspot barring many teachers and catechists from accessing the site. Also, many people question the authority of a blogspot website that doesn’t have its own domain. I want to reach as many people as possible and this seems like one of the best ways to do so.
But the main reason for the move is that I have a number of plans for The Religion Teacher in the coming months that will require some overall upgrades.
The Big Announcement
I would like to announce that in October I will be releasing a free e-book titled The Religion Teacher’s Guide to Lesson Planning. One of the biggest challenges for religion teachers and catechists consistently seems to be lesson planning. I’m writing my first e-book to address this challenge. I will be laying out a step-by-step process to lesson planning that includes a pool of lesson objectives, teaching strategies, and assessments. Lesson planning worksheets and templates will be provided at the new site and video tutorials will follow. I’m excited to bring you this resource and I think you will welcome it for yourself and your colleagues.
All you have to do to get free access to the e-book is sign-up for my newsletter here sign-up for The Religion Teacher newsletter.
The Newsletter
I hate spam. I consider my inbox sacred and seldom sign-up for email lists and newsletters. I promise not to send any spam or share your email address with anyone. I will send some periodic emails with updates about new resources on, motivational tips, teaching strategies, activities, and information that you won’t be able to find on the blog. You will have the option of opting out at any time. Subscribers will be the first to receive the new e-book in October. (Note: This newsletter is separate from any emails you are currently receiving from me through Feedburner.)
Other Additions to The Religion Teacher
In addition to the e-book and newsletter, I will be adding more to the Resources section of the site. These resources will include:
• Printable worksheets for all age groups
• Graphic Organizers
• Lesson Planning Templates
• Prayer Service Templates
• Video Tutorials
• Book Suggestions
• Links to other blogs and websites
So head over to and save it in your bookmarks. This weekend all posts will be migrating over there. The look of the site is still experimental so bear with me as changes are made in the coming weeks and months.
Thanks for your support!
Jared Dees
Congrats on the move! Looking forward to seeing your new additions.
I hope the move goes smoothly for you, Jared. I look forward to seeing what you have planned for the new site.
Thanks Nick and Denise! I'll try not to disappoint.
I can't wait to see what you do on your new site! 🙂