Materials needed:
1) cards with two vocabulary words
Number of Teams: 2
1. One member from a team will be given a card with two vocabulary words. Each word will be given different point values based on difficulty.
2. The team representative will have a specific time limit to act-out the word.
3. Other team members must identify the vocabulary word that their representative is acting in order to earn points.
This is especially helpful for kinesthetic learners. It can also be very fun for students to see their classmates step outside of their comfort zones.
Like Pictionary Vocabulary, students may be tempted to act out definitions of the word that have little to do with the context of the lessons they have learned in your class. You may wish to make a rule that the acting must connect to something they have learned (or have bonus points for doing so).
Inspired by Linda Tilton’s The Teacher’s Toolbox for Differentiating Instruction.
Jared –
What grouping of words would you use? Ascension/Resurrection; Great Commandment/Ten Commandments????
I think those work very well together, Sharon. Good idea.
How do I play the Headsup Game? My last class is May 19th and ID like to incorporate this game. I played it a long time ago but can’t remember the specifics.