John the Baptist is one of the most important figures in the New Testament. He was the voice in the desert preparing the way for the Lord as foretold by the Prophet Isaiah. He baptized Jesus in the Jordan River and sent Jesus some of his earliest disciples. John the Baptist was also killed for standing up to the unjust leaders in Israel.
The following collection of activities will help you teach about the life and message of John the Baptist:
John the Baptist Activity Collections
Easy Ways to Celebrate Saint John the Baptist (Real Life at Home)
John the Baptist Lesson, Videos, and Activities (Sunday School Works)
John the Baptist Lesson Plan and Printables (Sunday School Zone)
John the Baptist Bible Lesson (Creative Bible Study)
John the Baptist Notebook Coloring Page (Catholic Icing)
John the Baptist Coloring Pages (Crafting the Word of God)
Nativity (Birth) of John the Baptist Activities
These activities will help you teach about the birth of John the Baptist as it is told in Luke 1:
Crafts for Zechariah and Elizabeth (Bible Crafts & Activities)
Birth of John the Baptist Activities & Worksheets (Bible Fun for Kids)
His Name Is John Lesson (Sermons 4 Kids)
The Birth of John the Baptist Games and Printables (Sunday School Zone)
The Birth of John the Baptist Worksheet (The Religion Teacher Members)
John the Baptist Ministry and Preaching Activities
These activities will help you teach about the ministry and message of John the Baptist especially during the Advent season:
John the Baptist Prepares the Way Activities (Sermons 4 Kids)
John the Baptist Lesson (Ministry-to-Children)
John the Baptist: Prepare the Way Lesson (Ministry-to-Children)
John the Baptist Story Lesson and Activities (Mission Bible Class)
John the Baptist vs. Jesus Worksheet (The Religion Teacher Members)
The Illustrated Teaching of John the Baptist Worksheet (The Religion Teacher)
Saint John the Baptist Biography & Worksheet
Want to give your students an overview of the life of John the Baptist? Share this biography and reflection questions with your students or download the worksheet to print and hand out to them.

John the Baptist was a prophet who preached the coming of the Messiah and the Kingdom of God in the wilderness. He told his followers to repent and seek forgiveness for their sins through baptism with water. John was the son of Elizabeth and Zechariah, a Jewish priest. His parents did not believe they could have children because of their old age, but the Angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah and told him that he and Elizabeth would have a son and they would name him John. After Elizabeth became pregnant with John, her cousin Mary from Nazareth visited her. When she saw Mary, the infant John leaped in her womb because Mary was pregnant with Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Months later Elizabeth gave birth to John. Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied that John would be a prophet of the Most High preparing the way for the Lord and leading people to forgiveness for their sins. As an adult John the Baptist gathered a large following of disciples. He fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah as the voice in the desert preparing the way for the Lord. When John first saw Jesus Christ in the wilderness he pointed to him and proclaimed him to be the Messiah and the “Lamb of God.” Jesus asked John to baptize him in the Jordan River and John reluctantly agreed saying Jesus should baptize him instead. John was later killed by King Herod at the request of wife Herodias.
Saint John the Baptist Reflection Questions
- What message did John the Baptist preach in the wilderness?
- What do you know about your own baptism?
- How can you prepare yourself today to meet Jesus in heaven?
Download the John the Baptist Biography Worksheet
Download this biography worksheet about the life of John the Baptist. It includes three questions to help your students reflect on their lives in relation to the life of the saint:
This worksheet is one of the dozens of Bible biography worksheets available to members of The Religion Teacher. Learn more about becoming a member here.