If you are a religion teacher or catechist you may have a number of CDs that you use for journaling or reflective prayer. If not, or if you would like to spice it up with a little variety, here are a couple of suggestions. You will need to have access to the internet and speakers to connect to your computer.
Pandora Radio – set up an account (don’t worry you won’t receive any junk mail or special offers) and in the “Create a New Station…” box type in “Gregorian chant.” You will have ongoing songs from various albums. Feel free to search around for other great Christian or religious tunes to your liking. There may be short advertisements as interruptions but there are no “commercial breaks” strictly speaking.
Gregorian Chant Broadcasting 24/7 on the web – You can listen to ongoing broadcasts using Windows Media Player. Unlike Pandora Radio, you won’t be able to see what you are listening to.
Live365 stations: Stations like the Choral Treasure offer various liturgical music selections. Here, like Pandora, you can view the artists and songs you are listening to. Like Pandora, there are advertisements.
*For more ideas on how to integrate Chant into your catechesis check out a recent discussion on the MusicaSacra Forum: Chant as Children’s Catechesis – Lesson Plan Ideas? A number of people with more musical expertise than myself have offered various suggestions for catechists.
I have been looking for someone that may be able to tell me how much a book that I have is worth, no one seems to know what this book is. It is a copy of Manual of Gregorian Chant no 581 from 1903. If I am barking up the wrong tree I apologize.
Thank you for thinking of me Christina, but I’m not the person to help you out. Best of luck in finding an expert to give you an estimate.