The Parable of the Lost Sheep is one of the most memorable and powerful parables in the Bible. Help your students learn this parable and reflect on the meaning of mercy in their lives today using this lesson plan.
Sometimes we are the lost sheep. Sometimes we are one of the ninety-nine other sheep. Thinking about that reality helps us to see God in a whole new way. We believe in a God of mercy and love. Likewise, we welcome sinners who have repented and celebrate their return.
The Parable of the Lost Sheep Lesson Objectives
- Students will be able to summarize the Parable of the Lost Sheep.
- Students will be able to explain the symbolism in the Parable of the Lost Sheep.
- Students will feel grateful for God’s mercy.
The Parable of the Lost Sheep Lesson Activities
I. Read the Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7)
Read directly from the Bible Luke 15:1-7 or use this kids’ version of the story to help them understand what they read:
Parable of the Lost Sheep Bible Story for Kids (JaredDees.com)
As kids read the parable, have them write on a sheet of paper:
Shepherd = __________
Lost Sheep = __________
99 Other Sheep = __________
After reading the parable, help them explain the symbolism in the story:
Shepherd = Jesus
Lost Sheep = Sinners
99 Other Sheep = Good people who haven’t sinned.
Parable of the Lost Sheep Discussion Questions
Lead your students into a discussion about the parable using these questions:
- Why would the shepherd leave the ninety-nine remaining sheep to go searching for the one that was lost?
- What would it feel like to be the lost sheep that the shepherd came to find?
- When we are one of the ninety-nine good people who are with God, how can we prayerfully support the ones that are lost?
- How can we celebrate with Jesus and the saints in heaven when someone who was lost is found and returned?
The Meaning of the Parable of the Lost Sheep Video
This short video will also help the students reflect on the meaning of the parable in their lives:
II. Lost Sheep Puppet Craft Summary Activity
Here is an activity that young kids will enjoy and older kids will be embarrassed to admit was fun.
Have students create a very short puppet show summary of the parable of the Lost Sheep. They can draw and create puppets on popsicle sticks to recreate the story or use the printable template below to create the puppets.
Download the Lost Sheep Worksheet Collection for a set of printable puppet craft templates:

III. Lost Sheep Thank You Note Worksheet
From time to time we will all be like that lost sheep in need of God’s mercy. He will always go out searching for us no matter how big our mistakes will be.
Using the Lost Sheep Worksheet (download below or login to access), have students write a thank you note to God for coming to save them.

Download the Lost Sheep Printable Worksheets >
IV. Lost Sheep Parable Prayer
Lead your students in a short prayer experience inspired by the Parable of the Lost Sheep.
Leader: Let us pray for all of the Good Shepherd’s sheep. The response is “Lord, have mercy.”
Student 1: We pray for all those who feel lost. May they be found by the Lord Jesus Christ.
All: Lord, have mercy.
Student 2: We pray for all those who have been led astray by sin. May they find God’s mercy.
All: Lord, have mercy.
Student 3: We pray for all those ministers and teachers who help the Good Shepherd find the lost sheep.
All: Lord, have mercy.
Student 4: We pray for those who are like the ninety-nine good sheep. May they stay strong in their faith as the Lord goes out to find the lost.
All: Lord, have mercy.
Student 5: We pray for all of us here in the Church on earth. May we welcome back sinners and join in the celebration in heaven over their return.
All: Lord, have mercy.
Leader: May the Good Shepherd have mercy on us through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.
Download a printable version of this prayer service here:

V. Lost Sheep Assessment
Give students the same graphic organizer they used to read the parable and have them fill in the missing explanation of each symbol in the story:
Shepherd = __________
Lost Sheep = __________
99 Other Sheep = __________
Download the Parable of the Lost Sheep Printables
Get the Lost Sheep Thank You Note Worksheet, Parable of the Lost Sheep Puppet Cut Outs, and the Parable of the Lost Sheep Prayer Service here:
Other Lost Sheep Activities
Here are a few other Lost Sheep activities that you might find useful in your lesson:
- Lost Sheep Game (Loyola Press)
- Lost Sheep Group Activities (Sermons 4 Kids)
- Lost Sheep Object Lesson (Sermons 4 Kids)
- Lost Sheep Craft (Intentional Dabblings)
- Parable of the Lost Sheep Craft (123 Homeschool 4 Me)
- Peek-a-Boo Lost Sheep Activity (Danielle’s Place)
- Lost Sheep Craft (Church Leaders)