Here is a collection of activities, crafts, and worksheets you can use to teach about the life of King Solomon in the Bible.
King Solomon Activities
The Story of Solomon Lesson (Ministry-to-Children)
Solomon: The Wisest King? Lesson and Games (Ministry-to-Children)
King Solomon Sunday School Activities (Christianity Cove)
Solomon Sunday School Lesson (Children’s Ministry Deals)
King Solomon Crafts & Games
Seek Wisdom Bible Craft Ideas (Ministry-to-Children)
King Solomon’s Wisdom Lesson, Activities, and Crafts (Mission Bible Class)
King Solomon Games and Activities (Kids’ Korner)
Solomon Bible Games (Children’s Ministry)
King Solomon Worksheets
Solomon Lesson and Printables (Trueway Kids)
King Solomon Prays for Wisdom Worksheet (The Religion Teacher Members)
King Solomon’s Wise Judgement Worksheet (The Religion Teacher Members)
King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem Worksheet (The Religion Teacher Members)
The Life of King Solomon Biography Worksheet

King Solomon Biography
Solomon was the son of Bathsheba and King David, who he succeeded to the throne as King of Israel. Solomon was a very successful king. Israel flourished during his reign and grew in power and financial stability. King Solomon arranged many alliances with foreign nations, some by marriages with wives outside of Israel, and set up trade routes across the kingdom. He built the temple in Jerusalem that became the center of worship for God’s people up until the time of Jesus. Solomon was successful because he was a wise king. God appeared to Solomon in a dream to offer him a gift of whatever he asked. Solomon asked for wisdom. God granted this blessing and gave him wealth, honor, and power as well. Like his father before him, however, Solomon was not perfect. Partly because of the influence of his wives from other kingdoms, he set up high places for people to worship other gods. He was also criticized for being overbearing and leveling high taxes on the people. The tragedy of his reign was the breaking apart of the kingdom after his death. Jeroboam led a revolt against Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, which divided the kingdom into the Kingdom of Israel in the north and the Kingdom of Judah in the south.
Download a biography worksheet about the life of King Solomon. It includes three questions to help your student reflect on their own spiritual lives:
Get Additional King Solomon and King David Worksheets
To fully understand the importance of the coming of Jesus Christ (the Messiah) we have to understand the life and legacy of King David and his son King Solomon. The Religion Teacher’s King David Worksheet Collection will help students read and reflect on the lives of King David and his son King Solomon.