Teach your students about the Book of Judges and the classic Old Testament stories about Samson, Gideon, Deborah, and more with this collection of activities, lesson plans, crafts, and more.
Book of Judges Activities, Crafts, and Worksheets
Book of Judges Object Lesson (Future Flying Saucers)
Judges Bible Activities (Sunday School Zone)
Judges Posters and Printables (Bible Fun for Kids)
Judges Activities for Kids (Ministry-to-Children)
Judges Lesson and Workbook (Magnifying Him Together)
Deborah Activities
Deborah Biography Worksheet (The Religion Teacher Members)
Deborah Activities for Kids (Adventures in a Messy Life)
Deborah Coloring Page (Ministry-to-Children)
Deborah the Judge: Lesson, Activities, and Crafts (Mission Bible Class)
Deborah the Judge Activity Ideas (Sunday School Zone)
Deborah Bible Lesson for Kids (Trueway Kids)
Gideon Activities
Gideon Biography Worksheet (The Religion Teacher Members)
Gideon Bible Activities for Kids (Adventures in a Messy Life)
Gideon Sunday School Lesson (Ministry-to-Children)
Gideon Craft Ideas (Ministry-to-Children)
Gideon Bible Activities (Sunday School Zone)
Gideon Sunday School Lesson & Activities (Sunday School Works)
Gideon’s Army of 300 Lesson (Trueway Kids)
Samson Activities
Samson Lesson Plan and Worksheet (The Religion Teacher)
Samson Biography Worksheet (The Religion Teacher Members)
Samson Activities for Kids (Adventures in a Messy Life)
God’s Strong Man: Samson Activities (Sermons 4 Kids)
Samson Bible Activities (Sunday School Zone)
Samson Bible Lesson for Kids (Trueway Kids)