The Formation5 is a short, daily email for Catholic parents with saints, Scripture, and prayers to form whole families in the Catholic faith.
As parents, we know that raising our kids in the Catholic faith is important. We know we should do something more to help our kids learn the faith. This daily email gives us a way to share that faith in just a few minutes each day.
Confidently share the Catholic faith with your children and lead your whole family closer to Christ.
Each email includes:
- A simple lesson you can read about Scripture, saints, or series of Church teachings.
- A short exercise or reflection questions for parents and kids to discuss as a family.
- A prayer to lead the family closer to Christ.
Try it out today!
It’s every day and it’s free!
Here are a few examples from Formation5 archive:
- The Parable of the Lost Sheep
- The Parable of the Talents
- St. Charles Borromeo Feast Day
- The Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
What People Are Saying about Formation5
For years I have been looking for a resource that parents can do at home. Formation 5 is terrific. I have been forwarding it out daily to our parents, staff and board, as well as encouraging parents to sign up. Thank you for your time and effort to produce this!
Catholic School Principal
I believe strongly in our faith. Your Formations5 gives me a better insight on our faith and the lives of the saint.
Catholic Teacher, Catechist, and Mother
About the Author of Formation5

Hi, I’m Jared Dees. I am the founder of The Religion Teacher, which provides practical resources and teaching strategies to more than 60,000 religion teachers and catechists each week.
My wife and I have five kids and our Catholic faith is central to the way we are raising them. We know that finding time to talk about our faith isn’t easy. Instead of sitting down and teaching long lessons every day, we try to have daily conversations about the saints, Catholic prayers, Scripture stories, and whatever else they want to learn.
Those short, five-minute conversations were the beginnings of the idea for Formation5.
Five Minutes for Your Children’s Future
The daily Formation5 emails you will receive offer practical ways to explore our Catholic faith. I promise you will grow in your own faith and be able to lead your children to want to learn more and grow in their relationship with God.
Think about the lives you want your kids to live in the future. If you want them to have faith as adults, then take a small amount of time each day to form their faith today.