In the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke, the Angel Gabriel visits the Virgin Mary to announce the birth of Jesus Christ. Although surprised and afraid at first, she humbly accepted God’s will and became the Mother of God.
Here is a collection of activities, crafts, and worksheets you can use to teach young people about the Annunciation of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke.
Annunciation Activities
Mary and the Angel Lesson Plan (The Catholic Toolbox)
Gabriel Visits Mary Lesson Plan (Kids Sunday School)
Annunciation Obedience Game (Mireille Mishriky)
Feast of the Annunciation Spiritual Adoption Activity (Look to Him and Be Radiant)
Visits from an Angel Activities (Sermons4Kids)
Yes / No Youth Group Game (Young Catholics)
The Annunciation Object Lesson (Future Flying Saucers)
The Angelus Prayer for Children (The Religion Teacher)
Annunciation Crafts for Kids
Annunciation Prayer Craft (Catholic Inspired)
Mary and the Angel Figurine Craft (Sunday School Kids)
Feast of the Annunciation Craft Activity Ideas (A Slice of Smith Life)
Annunciation Pop-up Craft (Faith Steps)
Annunciation Worksheets
Annunciation Coloring Pages (Family in Feast and Feria)
Annunciation Coloring Page (Catholic Icing)
Joseph’s Annunciation Worksheet (The Religion Teacher Members)
The Annunciation Worksheet (The Religion Teacher Members)

The Meaning of the Annunciation Video
Finally, here is a short video summary and explanation of the meaning of the Annunciation story in the Bible: